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+ 어둠의 세력들의 세계지배 "인류를 통제하는 6개 수법"/ 켐트레일. 테러




어둠의 세력들의 세계지배 "인류를 통제하는 6개 수법"



6 Principles of Global Manipulation
By www.dotu.ru Jun 25, 2013 - 5:32:09 AM



Six Principles of Global Manipulation





This 11' video was published by ABP53 on Mar 7, 2011:






세계화란 무엇인가?


20세기에 와서 인류종족은 세계화 현상을 자연스런 것으로 직면했다. 그러나 그것은 인류를 지배하는 권력 절차가 한 사람이나 오직 소수의 조직에 집중되었던 것으로 정의할 수있다. 사실 이런 일은 인류 역사 전반에 걸쳐서 자행된 일이다. 그 무서운 일이 이제 거의 완성단계에 왔다.


수세기 전에 고대 이집트인들은 세계화라는 것을 통제할 수 있는 것으로 간파했다. 그들은 자기 목적을 이뤄내려 인류사회를 통제하는 전반적인 원리와 수법을 창출해냈다. 그럼 세계화를 통해서 뭐가 통제된다는 것인지 살펴보자.



What is Globalization?


In the 20th century the human race was confronted with such a natural phenomenon as globalization. Globalization can be defined as the process of concentration of power over all the mankind in one person or a small group. This process has been under way throughout the whole human history and is now near completion. Centuries ago Ancient Egyptian priests became aware that globalization can be controlled. They have worked out the overall principles and patterns of controlling society to achieve their own goals, and headed up this process. Let us take a look at how globalization process is being controlled now.



Principle 6. Weapon of War.

Principle 6. 전쟁을 상시적으로 하므로써 인류를 통제가능하다. 전쟁은 영토 통제권을 위협하고 부, 자원, 적을 창출하는 것을 해낸다


"War is the continuation of politics by other means" -- Karl von Clausewitz
The oldest and fastest way of controlling people has always been the war. The object of any war is the conquest of territories, wealth, human resources or complete elimination of enemy. World history has witnessed a great number of brutal wars.



Principle 5. Weapon of Genocide.

Principle 5. 전쟁무기를 갖고서는 인류종족을 멸절시킬 수없다, 다만 냉전을 통해 지배하며 멸절시키는데, 문화 조작을 통해서 술취하게 하고, 마약, 담배, 백신접종, 유전자변형 식품 포살의 방법이 인종학살의 술책이다


"All the crimes on Earth do not destroy so many of the human race, nor alienate so much property, as drunkenness" -- Sir Francis Bacon
The next step in the process of globalization was the transition from "hot wars" waged by ordinary weapons to "cold wars" waged through the so called "cultural co-operation". It's possible to completely eliminate or subdue a whole nation to one's own will by means of such genocide weapons as drugs, alcohol, tobacco, several types of vaccines and genetically modified foods. Yet to keep people unaware of the destructive nature of these weapons they have been disguised as superficially harmless means of relaxation, stress relief, amusement and acquiring immunity to disease. This idea is being inculcated in the minds through culture, mass media, and specially planted proverbs and tokens. In reality these substances are dangerous poisons undermining the genetics of the human species, destroying the human being both morally and physically, wiping out the existing and future generations.



Principle 4. Economical.

Principle 4. 국민들은 경제를 알지 못하고 오로지 생계를 이어갈 수입에 전전긍긍하게 만든다.


"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws" -- Mayer Amschel Rothschild"
Globalizers see no point in destroying nations completely. They are better off leaving a part of the slaves' population alive having subdued its economics to their narrow clannish interests, but also in such the manner that a nation hasn't the slightest idea of what is really going on. This can be done through universal money and the institution of credit, by means of usurious interest rates that allow the bankers' clans to receive skyrocketing profits from credit interest without creating any values for the society, while other people, their families, entire nations have to spend their lives paying off debt and essentially become slaves.



Principle 3. Factual.

Principle 3. 진실은 없고 오로지 해석만 난무한다. 신앙이나 신성의 믿음도 그저 문명의 산물처럼 보인다.


"There are no facts, only interpretations"-- Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
A whole nation or separate social classes can be ruled much more efficiently after being brainwashed with various ideologies, religious dogmas, sociological doctrines and mass media. Some are subconsciously inculcated with e.g. the theory of Karl Marx, the second with "Allah Akbar", the third with "Christ is Risen", the fourth with "Live Fast, Die Young". And if need be at some point in time people start being collided by activation of inherent contradictions using some special techniques such as provocations, assassinations, scandalous news articles, caricatures or deliberate mistakes, which seem to be accidental from outside. For example, we are now witnessing the attempts to set the traditional Islam and Biblical Christianity against each other, despite the belief shared by quite a number of world religions that God, the Creator, the Almighty is One for all creatures of the Earth.



Principle 2. Chronological.

Principle 2. 역사 기록을 장악해서 조작한다. 과거를 조작해서 미래를 지배한다


"Look behind in the past more often to avoid big mistakes in the future"-- Kozma Prutkov
It is common knowledge that one who has forgotten the history of his Motherland is like a tree with no roots. But what would happen if a whole nation forgot its history or accepted some historical myth imposed on it by external hostile elements. To quote George Orwell, "Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past". Rewriting of a nations history inevitably leads to alteration of its future..



Principle 1. Ideological (worldview).

Principle 1. 세계적 이념을 장악한다. 주로 후세 교육이념을 지배한다


"If you want to defeat your enemy bring up his children"-- oriental wisdom
Conquest of a nation will become most steady, effective and almost irreversible if one manages to somehow alter its worldview nationwide, so that the nation willfully serves the interests of the invaders, considering them a part of their normal life.


"This world a hollow pageant you should deem;
All wise men know things are not what they seem;
Be of good cheer, and drink, and so shake off
This vain illusion of a baseless dream"
Omar Khayyam



요약멘트: PeterKim





켐트레일 - 죽음의 지구 화학 파괴작전, 그것은 무엇을 노리나?


GeoEngineering Watch- The most important topic of our times (48:03)


LIVE Updated Presentation - The Most Important Topic of Our Time







위 동영상을 제작하여 경고하는 데인 위깅턴은 무엇때문에 이런 무시무시하고 엄청난 파멸의 음모를 폭로하는가? 그는 켐트레일이 인류에게 무서운 폐해를 남기는 것을 증언한다.


- 기후변화의 중단, 극심한 기근, 막대한 홍수

- 오존층 파괴

- 메탄가스의 방출

- 극지방 빙하의 극심한 감소

- 산소량 감소

- 해양생태계 붕괴

- 물고기 대량 폐사

- 매일 200종의 생명체의 멸종

- 자폐증, 치매, 증가

- 산림 지역의 황폐화

- 토양의 황폐, 오로지 몬산토가 유전변질시킨 알미늄 내성 종자만 재배된다.


In this video, Dane Wigington gives a presentation in Northern California on the harmful effects of Geoengineering, declaring that there is no more critical topic today. The very essentials needed to sustain life on earth are being recklessly destroyed by these programs. This is not a topic that will begin to affect us in several years, but is now already causing massive animal and plant die off around the world, as well as human illness.

• Geoengineering related climate disruptions, extreme drought and deluge
• Ozone depletion
• Methane release
• Drastic reduction in arctic sea ice
• Global oxygen content reductions
• Oceans on the brink of collapse
• Massive fish die offs
• 200 species becoming extinct every single day
• A drastic rise in Autism, Alzheimer's, and Dementia
• Crisis level forest reductions
• The sterilization of soils making it impossible for plants to grow without Monsanto's aluminum resistant seeds

Dane Wigington presents hard data which reveals what these catastrophic programs have done to our planet to date and what they will do if they are allowed to continue. Please take the time to watch this video, follow up with some investigation of your own on our site -- http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org
, and share this information far and wide.

Thank you,
GeoengineeringWatch Staff





미국은 세계 최대 테러작전을 돌리고있다



Jun 24, 2013 - America Is Running the World’s Largest Terrorist Operation


촘스키와 헐먼은 테러범죄가 주로 미국이 장악하는 제 3세계에 집중되고 있다고 관측했다 그리고 중남미 친미국가에서 벌어진 테러범죄를 기록했다. 이들은 중남미 국가 10개국들이 모두 사살 특공대를 갖고 있음을 기록하는데, 그 모두가 미국에 가까운 친미국이었다.


Chomsky and Herman observed that terror was concentrated in the U.S. sphere of influence in the Third World, and documented terror carried out by U.S. client states in Latin America. They observed that of ten Latin American countries that had death squads, all were U.S. client states.


이들이 내린 결론은 세계적으로 국가 테러범죄가 점증한 것은 미국의 대외정책의 결과라 했다.


They concluded that the global rise in state terror was a result of U.S. foreign policy.


1991년도에 알렉산더 조지 (스탠포드대 정치과학과 명예교수)가 편집한 책자는 서방국들이 제 3세계국에 테러범죄를 사주하고 있다고 고발했다. 그는 결론을 내리길 미국과 그 동맹국들이 세계 테러범죄의 가장 주된 지원국이라는 말이다.


In 1991, a book edited by Alexander L. George [the Graham H. Stuart Professor of Political Science Emeritus at Stanford University] also argued that other Western powers sponsored terror in Third World countries. It concluded that the U.S. and its allies were the main supporters of terrorism throughout the world.


정말 미국이 중남미와 이라크, 시리아에 어떻게 사살 특공대를 돌려댔는지 보려면 워싱턴의 블로그 아래 링크를 접속하시라.


Indeed, the U.S. has created death squads in Latin America, Iraq and Syria. - Washington's Blog


