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+ ISON 혜성 [우주선] 지구로 오고있다 - 실시간 위치정보 사이트





ISON 혜성이 오고있다 - 실시간 위치정보 사이트

Perihelion & Distance: LIVE Information

There are 41 days, 6 hours, 35 minutes and 49 seconds until perihelion of Comet ISON
Perihelion is due to occur on 28 November 2013, at 18:27:41 UTC
(Perihelion time via JPL - updated on October 14th, 2013)



Comet ISON is currently
120,258,351 miles (1.293715 AU)
from the Sun, and travelling at
84,865.73 mph (37.94 km/s)*
*speed shown is relative to the Sun.



Earth Distance:
152,263,806 miles (1.638024 AU)
Constellation: Leo
Estimated Visual Magnitude:



Comet ISON, October 2013 - Comet ISON 2013







Comet - ISON



