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U.F.O 관련 자료

+ UFO 뉴스 / 은하연합 우주선 함대들 본격 출현은 언제하려나? - 지구상공 UFO 목격 사진과 비디오들



U.F.S [Universe Family Ship] U.F.F [Universe Family Fleet]


은하연합 우주선 함대들의 본격적인 출현은 언제하려나?



UFO 목격 사진들과 비디오들 - 11/10/2015


Motherships near Earth's Sun on Nov. 9, 2015 (0;58)





The US military tried to say they fired a rocket and this was that rocket, but I really doubt it. I do believe the military knew tens of thousand of people witnessed the UFO, so they had to make up a story to calm people down. Similar UFOs have been seen over areas of Russia in the past. ... Scott C. Waring, www.ufosightingsdaily.com

To me it's a typical UFO that transformed into a triangle head and blue beam trail that mimics that of missiles ... on purpose. Thanks, Candace. for the tip. ... Vera


Mysterious glowing UFO over tijuana, Mexico on Nov. 7, 2015 (2:13)






Small White UFO over Xinshuang, taiwan on Nov. 6, 2015 (7:03)





UFO Seen over Eugene, Oregon, Oct. 6, 2015



Strange Objects Fly in Sky of Mars near Rover, Nov. 7, 2015



UFO Caught on Rover Cam during Mars Sunset, Nov. 2015 (1:08)





UFO Seen over London 3 Times - Oct. 31, 2015



UFO Cube seen near Sun on SOHO iMAGES, nOV. 3, 2015 (0:56)



Black Disk UFO over Paris, France on Nov. 1, 2015 (2:15)



UFO spotted at Delhi Airport, Oct. 29, 2015 (9:13)



UFOS Spheres Near The Moon, Oct 24, 2015 Halloween – 10/30/15 (1:20)



UFO over Mexico on Nov. 1, 2015 (2:15)




Da Vinci Ship Near Earth's Sun, Aug, 2015 (0:56)




UFO Enters in the Volcano Catania, Sicily, Oct. 30, 2015 (1:23)




Bright UFO taken by NASA Space Station Camera on Oct. 29, 2015 (4:51)




Jellyfish UFO seen over Oklahoma on July 8, 2015 (0:06)




UFO Seen over Keaton Beach, Florida on Oct. 11, 2015



Alien Made Stone Carvihng of Face Found by curiosity on Mars, Oct. 29, 2015



'Cloaked Starship' Captured By NASA All-Sky Cameras in New Mexico - 10/23/15 (1:41)



UFO Orb Plasma in Los Angeles, CA, Oct. 24, 2015



Huge UFO Hidden in clouds over Tijuana, Mexico, Oct. 24, 2015 (2:55)




UFO over New Brunswick, Canada has Drone Orbs, Oct. 26, 2015 (3:36)




Source: http://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/


Incredible giant UFO has people running away in Buryatia, Russia, Oct. 2015



Glowing Cigar UFO over colima Volcano, Mexico, Aug 15, 2015 (3:31)




Jellyfish UFOs over Corbin, Kenturcky on Oct. 23, 2015





Video of space crafts on the moon covered in this video

THE MOON, an alien UFO base, a satellite that doesn't belong to us...









Aliens Exist on The Moon - New UFO Sightings - UFO DOCUMENTARY 2015 Films






Airliner sees UFO Mothership Meeting with Smaller Craft over Ocean- 7/29/15 (0:46)





Very colorful UFO above Moon, Oct. 21, 2015 (0:56)




   Mass UFO Sightings Near To The Moon - 2/24/13 (3:49)



Glowing UFOs over Moscow from Dawn till Duck, Oct. 21, 2015 (11:37)





Metallic Triangle UFOs over Sydney, Australia on Sept. 22, 2015






출처: 빛의 시대 http://www.abundanthopekorea.net/board1_5/8891  UFO 목격사진 비디오들/1132