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+ 너의 선택이다 / 너는 무엇을 기다리고 있느냐? - 창조자 [Creator] 4/14~15/2019




너의 선택이다 / 너는 무엇을 기다리고 있느냐?

너의 선택이다

Your Choice

By Creator4/14/2019


친애하는 이여... 너는 네가 일들을 그럭저럭해나가게, 도전적인 상황들을 헤쳐 나가게, 상상할  없는 것에서 생존하게 남겨졌다고 자주 느낀다 해도, 너는 결코 원조 없이는 있지 않았다. 너는  순간 너의 공동-창조적인 힘을 잊어 버렸을  있고, 너는  자신의 힘으로  모든 것을 네가 다루어야만 한다고 생각했을  있지만, 우주는 너를 지원하고, 사랑하면서 항상 너의 옆에 있었다. 만약 네가 어둠의 공간 속에 있다면, 너는 네가 다른 쪽으로, 그리고  속으로 나올  있고, 나올 것임을 기억할 필요가 있다. 유일한 질문은 네가 진실로 그것을 원하는가, 아닌 가이다. 나의 사랑이여,  선택은 항상 만들 너의 것이었다. - 창조자

Dear one…as often as you feel you have been left to manage things, move through challenging situations and survive the unimaginable, you have never been without assistance. You may have forgotten your co-creative power for a moment, you may have thought you had to handle it all on your own but, The Universe has always been by your side, supporting and loving you. If you are in a dark space, you need to remember that you can and will come out the other side and into the light. The only question is whether you truly want to or not. That choice, my love, has always been yours to make. ~ Creator


너는 무엇을 기다리고 있느냐?

What Are You Waiting For?

By Creator. 4/15/2019


너희는 과거에 기회들이 너를 지나가게 했을  있는데... 그것은 너희가 표시들을 인식하는 법을 배우기 전이었다.  많은 것이 나오고 있으며, 너희가 그것들을 확인하는 법을 알고 있는 지금, 너는 이러한 선물들을 너의  속으로 안전하고 편안하게 가져올 기회를 가지고 있다. 여기 다시금 너를 위한 선택이 있고, 들어오는 [에너지] 파도는 너의 길로 멋진 많은 것들을 가져올 것이다! (미소 지으며) 너는 앉아서 ‘놓친 기회들 거주할 것을 선택할  있거나, 아니면 너는 너의 일을 하면서, 이러한 새로운 체험들을 너의  속으로 가져올  있다. 우주는 너를 위해 선택할 수는 없지만... 그것은 네가 너의 결정을 만드는 동안 너를 지원할  있다. 너는 네가 너의 세계를 바꿀  있는  놀라운 존재/삶과 기술들을 가지고 있는데, 너는 무엇을 기다리고 있느냐? 그것들을 포용해라! - 창조자

You may have let opportunities pass you by in the past…that was before you learned to recognize the signs. More are forthcoming and, now that you know how to identify them, you have the chance to bring these gifts into your life with safety and comfort. Here again is a choice for you; the incoming wave will bring many wonderful things your way! (Smiling) You can choose to sit and dwell on the ‘missed ones’ or you can do your work and bring these new experiences into your life. The Universe cannot choose for you…but it can support you while you make your decision. You have this amazing existence and skills that can change your world, what are you waiting for? Embrace them! ~ Creator


번역출처: AH.Korea http://www.abundanthopekorea.net/board1_1/12338 재림사무국/1927 ~ 8