미국을 지배한 이스라엘 [카자르계 유대인] -
지구촌 어둠의 자들 - 시오니스트들의 음모
AIPAC lobbyist Steve Rosen once bragged that he could get
the signatures of seventy senators on a napkin if he chose to do so.
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the zionist conspiracy part 1 of 12
the zionist conspiracy part 2 of 12
the zionist conspiracy part 3 of 12
the zionist conspiracy part 4 of 12
the zionist conspiracy part 5 of 12
the zionist conspiracy part 6 of 12
the zionist conspiracy part 7 of 12
[ 못 찾아서 911 올림 ]
911 was a Zionist Crime
the zionist conspiracy part 8 of 12
the zionist conspiracy part 9 of 12
the zionist conspiracy part 10 of 12
the zionist conspiracy part 11 of 12
the zionist conspiracy part 12 of 12
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